
Original Paintings

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Our prints are more than just ordinary wall decor, each is unique and tells its own story. Every print is created with a high degree of expertise from start to finish, attention to detail, and crafted with high-accuracy printing & museum quality materials. Considering the subjectivity of art with each individual’s own taste, we offer a wide range of subject matters, styles, and colors, allowing there to be… ”Something for Everyone”.

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make sure it looks right

Immerse yourself in the art of possibility with our multiple mock up designs showcasing our art in different decors. Picture your chosen print or artwork on a wall similar to yours before you buy.

Less guessing and more visualizing - see your selected piece seamlessly blend into several styles.

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Crafted Elegance for Your Space:
Discover Our Unique Artworks

our upcoming events

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August 30, 2024


The Bridge Foundation Golf Tournament

Terracotta Art Gallery is proud to participate and donate a Joseph Capicotto original painting to the Woodbridge Soccer Club's 4th annual "The Bridge Foundation Golf Tournament" supporting young kids in their dreams to play soccer who face economic and financial problems.

21 September, 2024

5:30pm onwards

Fundraiser for CNIB Guide Dogs Program

CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND (CNIB) Guide Dogs Program is dedicated to raising, training, and matching guide dogs with visually impaired people in Canada. Terracotta Art Gallery is proud to donate a print and a Joseph Capicotto original painting in support for the CNIB to continue their program in an effort to assist the visually impaired with the many challenges they face on a daily basis.

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